DUPLEX MODULE3-33Loading paper in the bypass trayThe bypass tray can be used for plain paper and special paper including labels. Up to 100 sheets of standard papercan be set. For paper types that can be used in the bypass tray, refer to page 2-3.1 Open the bypass tray.When setting A3, B4,11"x 17", 8-1/2" x 14" or8-1/2" x 13 paper, besure to extend thebypass tray extension.If the bypass trayextension is not pulledall the way out the size ofthe loaded paper will notbe correctly displayed.2 Set the bypass tray paper guides to thewidth of the paper to be used.3 Insert the paper all the way into the bypasstray.Set the paper face down.If there is a clearancebetween the paper andthe paper guides, thepaper may not be fedcorrectly. Adjust theguides so that theycontact the edges of thepaper.4 Set the type and size of the loaded paper.When the paper system is changed from the inchsystem to the AB system or vise versa or when thepaper type is changed, the paper type must bedesignated. For setting the paper type and papersize, see page 2-5.5 Loading paper in the bypass tray is nowcomplete.NOTEIf the paper type or size is changed, be sure to enter the paper type and size as in step 4.Bypass tray extensionNOTES● When using A5 paper, 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" paper orpostcards, be sure to load them with their shorter edgeinto the feed slot as shown in the illustration.● When loading plain paper other than Olivetti standard paper,special media other than postcards, Olivetti-recommendedtransparency film, or paper to be printed on the back, thepaper must be loaded one sheet at a time. Loading more thanone sheet at a time will cause misfeeds.● When adding paper, remove any paper remaining inthe tray, combine it with the paper to be added, andreload as a single stack.● Do not use paper that has already been printed on bya plain paper fax machine or a laser printer. This maycause printed images to become dirty.● Do not use paper that has already been printed on bya thermal transfer or inkjet printer. In particular, paperthat has been printed on by a thermal transfer printer(such as a word processor that uses a cassette) maycause missing characters and smudges.● When printing on transparency film, be sure to removeeach sheet as it exits the machine. Allowing sheets tostack in the output tray may cause curling.● Please use Olivetti-recommended transparency film.Place the film in the bypass tray so that it is orientedvertically with the label side face up. If the label side isplaced face down, smudging may result.● When loading multiple sheets of transparency film in the bypasstray, be sure to fan the sheets several times before loading.Label facing up