Menu: Menu Description TablesThe remaining battery level is indicated in percentagewhen a battery with this function is installed on the unit.Items/Data Saved RemarksEnable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.Select auto or manual to set the NEAREND voltage.AUTO: Set voltage automatically.: Set voltage manually.::When MANUAL is selected in the menuabove, set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1V steps. C U F Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.Select auto or manual to set the NEAREND voltage.AUTO: Set voltage automatically.: Set voltage manually.::When MANUAL is selected in the menuabove, set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1V steps. C U F Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.Select auto or manual to set the NEAREND voltage.AUTO: Set voltage automatically.: Set voltage manually.::When MANUAL is selected in the menuabove, set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1V steps. C U F BATTERY SETTING (2/2)Items/Data Saved RemarksEnable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.::Set the voltage to display the FULLindication in 0.1 V steps.::Set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1 Vsteps.::Set the END voltage in 0.1 V steps. C U F Items/Data Saved RemarksEnable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.::Set the voltage to display the FULLindication in 0.1 V steps.::Set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1 Vsteps.::Set the END voltage in 0.1 V steps. C U F Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.::Set the voltage to display the FULLindication in 0.1 V steps.::Set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1 Vsteps.::Set the END voltage in 0.1 V steps. C U F Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.Select the NEAR END percentage value.If the percentage value for theremaining battery level cannot bedetected, the operation will be inaccordance with the NEAR ENDvoltage value set for TYPE A.When using a battery that indicates theremaining level in 10% steps, thesetting value and actual near endwarning may differ slightly.Select the END percentage value.If the percentage value for theremaining battery level cannot bedetected, the operation will be inaccordance with the END voltage valueset for TYPE A.When using a battery that indicates theremaining level in 10% steps, the endjudgment will be only at the two stagesof when it is set to any of 1% to 5% andwhen it is set to any of 6% to 10%. C U F USO RESTRITO