Menu: Menu Description TablesFor a USB DEVICE mode, errors occur even if the READUSER DATA item is executed, since it does not access an SDmemory card. Set PC MODE to OFF and then execute theoperation again.In ONE CLIP REC mode, when a clip can be recordedcombined with the previous clip (when 1 CLIP isdisplayed in the viewfinder or lower right of the LCDmonitor), READ USER DATA item and READ item on theSCENE screen cannot be manipulated. Close the menu, holddown the STOP button for 2 seconds to end this connection,and try again.During INTERVAL REC standby, READ USER DATA item andREAD item on the SCENE screen cannot be manipulated.Press the STOP button to stop INTERVAL REC and try again.For a USB DEVICE mode, errors occur even if the READFACTORY DATA item is executed, since it does not accessan SD memory card. Set PC MODE to OFF and thenexecute the operation again.In ONE CLIP REC mode, when a clip can be recordedcombined with the previous clip (when 1 CLIP isdisplayed in the viewfinder or lower right of the LCDmonitor), READ FACTORY DATA item on the INITIALIZEscreen cannot be manipulated. Close the menu, hold downthe STOP button for 2 seconds to end this connection, andtry again.During INTERVAL REC standby, READ FACTORY DATA itemon the INITIALIZE screen cannot be manipulated. Press theSTOP button to stop INTERVAL REC and try again.SCENEItems/Data Saved RemarksRead out the data from the user area inthe memory. Select the scene file. F Read the scene file. Write the scene file. Reset the scene file values to the initialvalues. Create the scene file title. INITIALIZEItems/Data Saved RemarksThe menu (MAIN MENU, OPTIONMENU) values are all reset to factorysettings.The settings for the following are notreset to the factory-set values.Scene fileUser dataLens fileBlack shading data Save the user preference menu data inthe cameras internal memory. USO RESTRITO