27ONOFFPOWERDVDVCPROMETERLRFULL/FINEMONITOR SELECTHEADPHONESMONITOR MIXINPUT SELECTPREVIEW/PREVIEWAUTO EDITPREROLLVIDEOCH1RECAUDIOCH2 CH1 CH2 TCPRESETMENU SET DIAGSUPER REC INHINT TCGMODECONTROLONOFFUNITYVARPBCOUNTERRESETA INTRIMSETOUTINA OUTCH2CH1INSERTASSEM VIDEO CUE TC STAND BYEDITREW STOPPLAY RECPLAYER RECORDERFFJOG SHTL SLOWTAPEEEONREGENPRESETEXITOFFREMOTELOCAL89 5444 After selecting VTR used as the player by pressingPLAYER button, set the initial speed by the searchdial while pressing SET button.5 Simultaneously pressing both SET button andPREVIEW/REVIEW button results in automaticprerolling for the both VTRs (player and recorder),then the player VTR is operated at the set initialspeed up to the IN point.6 After passing the IN point, turn the search dial tomemorize the playback speed of the VTR used asthe player.7 When the tape has passed the OUT point set byrecorder, the memory of the playback speed willterminate.8 When AUTO EDIT button is pressed, variablememory editing is executed.Once editing has been executed, the memorizedspeed will be cleared. The initial speed will not becleared however.9 The result of editing can be checked by pressingPREVIEW/REVIEW button.O The content stored in the memory will be cleared ina mode other than the variable memory mode.Also, the memory will be cleared when the powerswitch is turned OFF.O Phase adjustment is not made during playback tothe IN point of variable memory editing.Therefore, depending on the VTR used as theplayer and its speed setting, no guarantees aremade for the accuracy of the IN point.O When variable memory editing is to be performed,keep the speed set to within the speed range forvariable speed playback which can be guarantiedby the VTR used as the player.Using the unit as a controller (deck-to-deck editingmode recorder) to control the playback speed of theVTR used as the player, editing can be performed inspeed variable mode.$ Selecting the variable memory modeWhen deck-to-deck editing (either the RECORDERor PLAYER lamp lights) is to be performed, set theinitial speed (–1.0 to +2.0) by turning the searchdial with the SET button held down to transfer theunit to variable memory mode.$ Releasing variable memory modePress the RESET button while holding down theSET button to release the unit from variablememory mode.The unit will also be released from this mode whendeck-to-deck editing operations are completed.Variable memory editing operationprocedureVariable memory editing operation can be performedaccording to the following procedure.Variable memory editingONOFFPOWERDVDVCPROMETERLRFULL/FINEMONITOR SELECTHEADPHONESMONITOR MIXINPUT SELECTPREVIEW/PREVIEWAUTO EDITPREROLLVIDEOCH1RECAUDIOCH2 CH1 CH2 TCPRESETMENU SET DIAGSUPER REC INHINT TCGMODECONTROLONOFFUNITYVARPBCOUNTERRESETA INTRIMSETOUTINA OUTCH2CH1INSERTASSEM VIDEO CUE TC STAND BYEDITREW STOPPLAY RECPLAYER RECORDERFFJOG SHTL SLOWTAPEEEONREGENPRESETEXITOFFREMOTELOCAL1321 Select the edit mode by pressing ASSEM button ordesired INSERT buttons.2 Select VTR to be operated by pressingRECORDER or PLAYER button.3 Register IN/OUT point by using SET button andIN/OUT buttons.The OUT point of VTR used as the player cannotbe registered.