37Setup menusThe underlined items indicates the initial setting.USER menu No./Item Description111FRZ MODESELThis selects the output picture in theSTANDBY OFF (HALF LOADING) and EJECTmodes.0000 DIS :The video output is muted.0001 STB OFF :When the STANDBY OFF (HALF LOADING)mode is established, the picture being playedback at the time is frozen and output.0002 SOF&EJ :When the STANDBY OFF (HALF LOADING)or EJECT mode is established, the picturebeing played back at the time is frozen andoutput.OFreeze status complies with the setup menuitem No. 605 (FREEZE SEL) setting.OIn the EJECT mode, freeze is output only whenBLACK, BLACK1, GRAY or GRAY1 is selectedas the setup menu item No. 105 (AUTO EESEL) setting.112V IN SEL INHThis selects whether video input switchingusing the INPUT SELECT button is to beenabled or disabled.0000 OFF :Video input switching using the INPUTSELECT button is enabled.0001 ON :Video input switching using the INPUTSELECT button is disabled.0002 REC :Video input switching using the INPUTSELECT button after the unit has beentransferred to a recording (but not editing)mode is disabled.113A IN SEL INHThis selects whether audio input switchingusing the INPUT SELECT button is to beenabled or disabled.0000 OFF :Audio input switching using the INPUTSELECT button is enabled.0001 ON :Audio input switching using the INPUTSELECT button is disabled.0002 REC :Audio input switching using the INPUTSELECT button after the unit has beentransferred to a recording (but not editing)mode is disabled.Even when the ON or REC setting is selected todisable audio input switching using the INPUTSELECT button, it is still possible to set the setupmenu items No. 715 (CH1 IN SEL), No. 716(CH2 IN SEL) and No. 719 (D IN SEL12).110MEMORYSTOPThis selects whether the VTR is to stopautomatically when the counter value reaches“0” during a fast forwarding or rewindingoperation in the CTL mode.0000 OFF : The VTR does not stop.0001 ON : The VTR stops automatically.OThe stop mode concerned is either the stop orthe still-picture (SHTL STILL or SLOW STILL)mode depending on the setup menu No. 315(AFTER CUE-UP) setting.OWhen both the AUTO REW function andMEMORY function have been selected at thesame time, the AUTO REW function takesprecedence.No./Item Description1234Memory stop functionThe MEMORY STOP functiondoes not work if it is activatedwithin a range of 0 ± 2 frames.FFbuttonZeropointFFbuttonREWbuttonREWbutton! When the FF button is pressed, the VTR performs the regular fastforward operation since the zero point is not located in thedirection of operation.@ When the REW button is pressed, the PREROLL lamp lights (theSHTL lamp lights as well), the VTR proceeds with the prerolloperation, and it automatically stops when it reaches the positionwhere the counter reads “0.”# When the REW button is pressed, the VTR performs the regularrewinding operation since the zero point is not located in thedirection of operation.$ When the FF button is pressed, the PREROLL lamp lights (theSHTL lamp lights as well), the VTR proceeds with the prerolloperation, and it automatically stops when it reaches the positionwhere the counter reads “0.”109AUTO REWThis selects whether to rewind the tapeautomatically to the tape start when the tapeend is detected.0000 OFF : The tape stops at the tape end.0001 ON : The tape is rewound to the tapestart.