68The VTR can be operated by commands when theRS-232C interface is used.(See command table on pages 71, 72.)$ Conditions for acknowledgingcommands from RS-232C interfaceO The front panel CONTROL switch must be atREMOTE.O The setup menu No. 204 “RS232C SEL” must beON.If the above conditions are not met, [ACK] + [STX]ER001 [EXT] is returned to the external unit.Whether the [ACK] code is returned depends on thesetting which has been selected for setup menuitem No. 209 “RETURN ACK”.Hardware specificationsExternal interface specificationsRS-232C interfaceO Connector specificationsConnector:D-SUB 25-pin (crossover cable supported)O Example of connection with controller (PC)Using crossover cable with D-SUB 25-pinconnectorsPin No. Signal Description1 FG Protective ground(Frame ground)2 RXD Received data(Data is sent to PC.)3 TXD Transmitted data(Data is received from PC.)4 CTS Clear to send(Shorted with pin 5.)5 RTS Request to send(Shorted with pin 4.)6 DTR Data terminal ready(No processing)7 SG Signal ground(Signal ground)20 DSR Data set ready (+ voltage output aftercommunication enable status)PC side(D-SUB 25-pin connector) VTR sideFGTXDRXDRTSCTSDSRSGDTR123456720FGRXDTXDCTSRTSDTRSGDSR123456720Using crossover cable with D-SUB 9-pin and 25-pinconnectorsPC side(D-SUB 9-pin connector) VTR sideRXDTXDDTRSGDSRRTSCTS2345678FGRXDTXDCTSRTSDTRSGDSR123456720