17-42Offsetaddress Name Descriptions DefaultvalueSettingrange Unit00EHLower limit ofsoftware limitSets the lower limit value of the software limit for absolute coordinates.Bit Name Default Description31 to 0 Lowerlimit ofsoftwarelimit1,073,741,823 Lower limit of software limitInterpretation is changed by the unit setting.Pulse: -1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823 pulseμm (0.1μm): -107,374,182.3 to 107,374,182.3 μmμm (1μm): -1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823 μminch: (0.00001 inch): -10,737.41823 to 10,737.41823 inchinch: (0.0001 inch): -107,374.1823 to 107,374.1823 inchdegree (0.1): -107,374,182.3 to 107,374,182.3degree (1): -1,073,741,823 to 1,073,741,823Any other settings will be errors.00FH010H - -011H - -012H Auxiliary outputmodeSets the auxiliary output function of the auxiliary output contact and code to beenabled or disabled. The time that the auxiliary output contact is on is determinedby the following auxiliary output ON time.Bit Name Default Description7to 0 Auxiliary output mode 00H 00H: Not use the auxiliary output function(auxiliary output contact, code).01H: Use With mode.02H: Use Delay mode.15 to 8 Auxiliary output ON time 0AH (10ms) Setting range: 00H (0ms) to FFH (255 ms)013H Auxiliary outputDelay ratioWhen using the delay mode for the auxiliary output, specify the ratio (%) to output.The setting range is 0(%) to 100(%). If the setting is 50%, the auxiliary output willbe performed when the positioning movement amount exceeds 50%.Default: 0 (%)014H AMP operationsettingsSets to enable or disable the limit input of the AMP, and sets the moving directionand connection method.Note) This setting is should be written in the EEPROM within the AMP, and theAMP should be rebooted after changing the setting.Bit Name Default Description0 Limit enabled/disabled 0 0: Uses the input of limit signal1: Ignores the input of limit signal1 CW/CCW moving direction 0 0: CW+ / CCW-1: CCW+ / CW-2 Limit connection 0 0: Standard connection(Forward: CWL, Reverse: CCWL)1: Reverse connection(Forward: CWL, Reverse: CCWL)15 to 3 - - -015H - -016H - -017H - -018H - -018H - -01AH - -01BH CompletionwidthAfter the movement of the specified amount in thepositioning control or JOG operation, thecompletion flag will turn on when the current valueof the AMP becomes in this completion width.10 Positive Pulse01CH Monitor valueerror settingsThis is the setting to give an error or warning by setting judgment values for thetorque monitor values and actual speed of each axis.Bit Name Default Description0 Torque judgment valueenabled0 0: Disables the torque judgment value1: Enables the torque judgment value1 Torque judgment valueerror/warning setting0 0: Announces an error when it is enabled1: Announces a warning when it is enabled2 Actual speed judgmentvalue enabled0 0: Disables the actual speed judgment value1: Enables the actual speed judgment value3 Actual speed judgmentvalue error/warning setting0 0: Announces an error when it is enabled1: Announces a warning when it is enabled15 to 4 - - -01DH Torquejudgment value Sets the limit value of the torque. 5000 0 to5000 0.1%01EH Actual speedjudgment value Sets the limit value of the actual speed. 5000 0 to50000.1rpsor0.1rpm01FH - -