General−use Serial CommunicationsFP010 − 510.2 System Register Settings10.2 System Register SettingsPreparation for Sending and Receiving Data (System Register Settings)Communication is not enabled in the default settings for the RS232C port. To enablecommunication, the items outlined below must be specified, using the system registers.− Usage purpose of the RS232C port− RS232C transmission format− Baud rate− Reception bufferSetting the Usage Purpose of the RS232C Port (System Register 412)Specify “General−use port” (this is K2 for the FP Programmer II). This is the settingwhich enables serial communication.Setting the RS232C Transmission Format (System Register 413)The transmission format is as follows in the default settings. (With the FP ProgrammerII, this is H3.)Data length: 8 bitsParity check: Yes/oddStop bit: 1 bitTerminal code: CRStart code: STX NoneSet these items to match the external device connected to the RS232C port, and ifchanging the transmission format, enter settings for the pertinent individual items.With the FP Programmer II, the various items should be selected in bit units, as shownbelow, and settings entered using H constants.15 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Data length 0:7 bits 1:8 bitsStart code 0:STX None1:STX YesTerminal code 00:CR 01:CR and LF10: None 11:ETXStop bit 0:1 bit1:2 bitsParity 00: None 01: Yes (odd)11: Yes (even)next page