14-132Errorcode NameOpera-tionstatusDescription and steps to takeFP0FP-eFPΣFP-XFP1/FP-MFP2FP2SHFP10SHFP3E50BackupbatteryerrrorConti-nuesThe voltage of the backup batterylowered or the backup battery of conrolunit is not installed.⇒ Check the installation of the backupbattery and then replace battery ifnecessary.By setting the system register 4, you candisregard this self-diagnostic error.A A AANote) A A A AE51MEWNET-FterminalstationerrorConti-nuesTerminal station setting was not properlyperformed.Check stations at both ends of thecommunication path,and set them in theterminal station using the dip switches.A A A AE52MEWNET-FI/O updatesynchro-nous errorConti-nuesSet the INITIALIZE/TESTselecto1inmjvbgycfrde892 r to theINITIALIZE position while keeping themode selector in the RUN position.If thesame error occurs after this,pleasecontact your dealer.A A A AE53Multi-CPUI/O regis-trationerror(CPU2only)Conti-nuesAbnormality was detected when the multi-CPU system ws used.Please contact your dealer.A AE54IC memorycard back-up batteryerrorConti-nuesThe voltage of the backup battery for theIC memory card lowered. The BATT.LEDdoes not turn on.Charge or replace the backup battry of ICmemory card.(The contents of the ICmemory card cannot be guaranteed.)A AE55IC memorycard back-up batteryerrorCont-inuesThe voltage of the backup battery for ICmemory card lowers.The BATT.LED doesnot turn on.Charge or replace the backup battery ofIC memory card.(The contents of the IC memory cardcannot be guaranteed.)A AE56Incompat-ible ICmemorycard errorCont-inuesThe IC memory card installed is notcompatible.Replace the IC memory card compatiblewith FP2SH/FP10SH.A AE57No unit fortheconfigu-rationConti-nuesMEWNET-W2The MEWNET-W2 link unit is notinstalled in the slot specified using theconfiguration data.Either install a unit in the specified slot orchange the parameter.A AA:Available