103VQT0T60OthersShortly after removing a chilled bottlefrom the refrigerator in summer, you willsee that it is covered with tiny droplets ofwater. This phenomenon is calledcondensation.When condensation forms on the unit,the lens will cloud up and the unit maynot work properly. Make every effort toensure that condensation does not form.If it does form, take the actions describedbelow.Causes of condensationCondensation takes place when theambient temperature or humidity ischanged as follows.≥ When this unit is brought inside fromthe cold (e.g. a ski slope) to a warmroom.≥ When this unit is moved from anair-conditioned car to outside.≥ When a cold room has been warmedup quickly.≥ When cool wind from an air conditioneris directly blown onto this unit.≥ After summer afternoon showers ofrain.≥ When this unit is in a very humid placewhere the air is thick with steam. (e.g.a heated swimming pool)When this unit is taken to a locationwith a significant temperature differ-ence such as from a cold place to ahot place.If, for example, you have used this unit forrecording on a ski slope and are taking itinto a heated room, place the unit insidea plastic bag, remove as much of the airfrom inside the bag as possible, then sealthe bag. Leave the unit for about an hourin the room so the temperature of the unitis close to the ambient temperature of theroom, then use it.What to do with the lens isfogged up.Remove the battery or disconnect the ACadaptor and leave the unit for about1 hour. When the unit becomes close tothe ambient temperature, the fogdisappears naturally.About condensation