About This Guidex 9161-A2-GH30-30April 1998Section DescriptionAppendix AMenus and Configuration Worksheets. Contains agraphical representation of the system configurationoptions and worksheets for you to record yourselections.Appendix BIP Addressing. Provides guidelines for selecting an IPaddressing scheme.Appendix CSNMP Traps. Lists SNMP traps.Appendix DSNMP Cross-Reference. Provides a cross-reference ofSNMP MIB objects and user interface commands.Appendix ECables, Connectors, and Pin Assignments. Describescables to be used with the T1 access unit, as well astheir connectors and pin assignments.Appendix FTechnical Specifications.Appendix GEquipment List. Lists related equipment.Glossary Defines acronyms and terms used in this document.Index Lists key terms, acronyms, concepts, and sections inalphabetical order.Conventions UsedConvention IndicatesItalic Variable information (e.g., slots, indicating slotnumber 01, 02, etc.).Menu selection sequence: The selections to be made from a menu orselections from within a menu beforeperforming a procedural step (e.g.,Main Menu→Status→System and Test Status).Brackets [ ] Multiple selection choices (e.g., [CurrentConfiguration/Customer Configuration 1/Customer Configuration 2]).