OK1-OK2-OK3-OK4-OK9109 SYNC DATAPORT97-15679LEDsTroubleshooting9-99161-A2-GH30-30 April 1998The following figure is an example of using the monitor test jacks: DSX MON IN to allow test equipment to nonintrusively monitor the signalbeing sent from the T1 access unit to equipment (e.g., a PBX) attached to theDSX port on the rear of the T1 access unit. DSX MON OUT to allow test equipment to nonintrusively monitor the signalbeing sent equipment (e.g., a PBX) attached to the DSX port on the rear ofthe T1 access unit.T1 Access UnitInternalCircuitryTestEquipmentFront RearMon InMon OutRxRxTestEquipmentPBX97-15680Sync Data APM Front Panel LEDsThe Sync Data APM has five LED status indicators.General Status LEDLabel Indication Color What It MeansOK Power andOperationalStatusGreen ON – APM has power and is operational.OFF – APM is in a local self-test, or there is afailure.Port 1, Port 2, Port 3, and Port 4 LEDsLabel Indication Color What It Means1-OK2-OK3-OK4-OKOperationalStatusGreen ON – The interchange circuits for the portare in the correct state to transmitand receive data.OFF – The port is idle. Occurs if the port isdisabled, if an EDL Out of Frame orEER condition is present, if a DCLB isactive, or if the port is configured tomonitor DTR and/or RTS and thelead(s) is not asserted.