Troubleshooting9-259161-A2-GH30-30 April 1998Repeater LoopbackThe Repeater Loopback (RLB) loops the information to be sent over the Networkor DSX-1 interface back to the device. The RLB loops the entire data stream,which includes data on the interface, as well as the synchronous data ports. UseRLB to ensure that all of the data is correct up to the point where it is sent outover the interface. This helps to indicate that the T1 access unit is operational. An attached device or test equipment should generate and monitor data to belooped back.RLB496-15199NetworkInterfaceDSXPort AISDCEPort 1DCEPort 2FramerThe T1 NAM will not respond to any messages from the network during this test.The following tests cannot be running when a repeater loopback test is initiated: Payload Loopback on this Network or DSX-1 interface All loopbacks on any other T1 interface (DSX-1 or Network) with DS0sassigned to this interface Send Pattern Test on this Network or DSX-1 interface or any data portassigned to this interface Send Remote Line Loopback on this Network or DSX-1 interface Send V.54 or Send FT1 Loopback on any data port assigned to this Networkor DSX-1 interface Data Channel Loopback on any data port assigned to this Network or DSX-1interfaceCAUTION:Repeater Loopback may affect the operation of the FDL, DDL, or EDL.Any IP data being sent while this test is active will be disrupted. Also,any performance statistics being sent over the EDL will be disrupted.