Displaying System Information7-24 9161-A2-GH30-30April 1998Test Status MessagesThe right-most column of the System and Test Status screen display the teststhat are currently active on the card (NAM or APM) (see Table 7-4).Table 7-4. Test Status Messages (1 of 2)Message What It IndicatesNo Test Active No tests are currently running.Networkn LLB Test Active A network Line Loopback (LLB) test is active on specifiedNetwork interface (n).DSXss-p LLB Test Active A DSX-1 Line Loopback (LLB) test is active on slotss,portp.Networkn PLB Test Active A network Payload Loopback (PLB) test is active onspecified Network interface (n).DSXss-p PLB Test Active A DSX-1 Payload Loopback (PLB) test is active on slotss,portp.Networkn RLB Test Active A network Repeater Loopback (RLB) test is active onspecified network interface (n).DSXss-p RLB Test Active A DSX-1 Repeater Loopback (RLB) test is active on slotss, portp.DCLB, Slotss Portp A Data Channel Loopback (DCLB) test is active on slotss,portp.DTLB, Slotss Portp A Data Terminal Loopback (DTLB) test is active on slotss,portp.DTPLB, Slotss Portp A Data Terminal Payload Loopback (DTPLB) test is activeon slotss, portp.Latching OCU LB, SlotssPortpA Latching OCU Loopback test is on the OCU-DPinterface in slotss, portp.Non-Latching OCU LB,Slotss PortpA Nonlatching OCU Loopback test is on the OCU-DPinterface in slotss, portp.Latching CSU LB, SlotssPortpA Latching CSU Loopback test is on the OCU-DPinterface in slotss, portp.Non-Latching CSU LB,Slotss PortpA Nonlatching CSU Loopback test is on the OCU-DPinterface in slotss, portp.Latching DSU LB, SlotssPortpA Latching DSU Loopback test is on the OCU-DPinterface in slotss, portp.Non-Latching DSU LB,Slotss PortpA Nonlatching DSU Loopback test is on the OCU-DPinterface in slotss, portp.OCU Line LB, SlotssPortpAn OCU Line Loopback test is on the OCU-DP interface inslotss, portp.OCU Data LB, SlotssPortpAn OCU Data Loopback test is on the OCU-DP interfacein slotss, portp.