Reinstalling/Realigning the LinkWinLink User and Installation Guide Version 1.750 6-109Reinstalling/Realigning the LinkIt may be necessary to reinstall the link if the ODUs need to berealigned.Note:Activating Install Mode causes both sites to go into install mode,causing disruption in service for approximately fifteen seconds.Æ To reinstall the link:1. From the Configuration menu, choose a site.The Configuration dialog box opens.2. In the Configuration dialog box, click the Install Mode button.A message box asking if you want to enter install mode appears.3. Click Yes to continue.The system enters Install mode and the alignment tone becomesaudible.4. Realign the ODUs and start the Installation wizard (see Chapter3).The Link Budget CalculatorThe Link Budget Calculator is part of the Winlink 1000 Managersoftware and is found in the Help menu. This useful utility enables youto calculate the expected performance of the wireless link and thepossible configurations for a specific link range including antenna size,cable loss and climate conditions.The Link Budget Calculator enables you to calculate the expected RSSof the link, and determine the stability of services and their effectivethroughput as a function of the link range and deployment conditions.The Link Budget Calculator is found on the Installation CD and fromtech support so it can be used prior to installation to define and verifylink parameters such as expected RSS, maximum range, and numberof E1s/T1s that a link is capable of providing. It enables verification ofinstallation quality and provides calculations that consider “real world”factors such as climate.The Link Budget Calculator screen appears in the following figure.