Performance MonitoringWinLink User and Installation Guide Version 1.750 6-112Viewing Performance ReportsThe Performance Monitor Report displays performance views of eachof the interfaces 3 :Figure 6-9: Performance Monitoring Report windowSeveral performance data occurrences are collected for each of theinterfaces (ES, SES, and UAS), as well as Specific data per Interfacetype (e.g., TX and RX bytes for Ethernet). For the Air Interface, userdefined thresholds data are collected. Refer toTable 6-3 andTable 6-4, Performance Monitoring Report Toolbar.Data is collected and selectively displayed based on three timeintervals as selected by the Interval radio buttons:• Current (t=0)• 15 minutes Intervals• Daily.UAS – This parameter counts the time the air link was not providingany service. There are several potential reasons for this situation; oneof the sites has a power failure, high interference, maintenanceoperation, etc.3 Ethernet performance is not collected in PoE systems.