Chapter 8: Device Management140Device ServicesThe Device Services page allows you to configure the followingfunctions: Enabling Telnet Enabling SSH access Configuring HTTP and HTTPs port settings Enabling Serial Console Access Configuring the discovery port access Enabling direct port access Enabling the AKC Download Server Certificate Validation feature ifyou are using AKCEnabling TelnetIf you wish to use Telnet to access the KSX II, first access the KSX IIfrom the CLI or a browser.To enable Telnet:1. Select Device Settings > Device Services and then select the EnableTELNET Access checkbox.2. Enter the Telnet port.3. Click OK.Once Telnet access is enabled, you can use it to access the KSX II andset up the remaining parameters.Enabling SSHEnable SSH access to allow administrators to access the KSX II via theSSH v2 application.To enable SSH access:1. Choose Device Settings > Device Services. The Device ServiceSettings page appears.2. Select Enable SSH Access.3. Enter the SSH Port information. The standard SSH TCP port numberis 22 but the port number can be changed to provide a higher level ofsecurity operations.4. Click OK.