Chapter 12: Command Line Interface (CLI)234The KSX II now has the basic configuration and can be accessedremotely via SSH, GUI, or locally using the local serial port. Theadministrator needs to configure the users and groups, services,security, and serial ports to which the serial targets are attached to theKSX II.CLI PromptsThe Command Line Interface prompt indicates the current commandlevel. The root portion of the prompt is the login name. For a direct adminserial port connection with a terminal emulation application, Admin Portis the root portion of a command.admin >For TELNET/SSH, admin is the root portion of the command:admin > config > network >0CLI CommandsThe table below lists and describes all available CLI commands.Command Descriptionconfig Port configuration commandSwitch to the Configuration menu.connect Connect to a port.diagnostics Switch to diagnostic commands Display an overview of the CLI syntax.history Display the current session's command line history.interface Configure the KSX II network interface.listports List accessible ports.logout Logout of the current CLI Display or change a device name and/or thehostname.quit Return to previous commanduserlist List users.