SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL SECTIONPage 159 of 287 Updated I&M May 2002PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 601 [501] STN.GROUPDisplay shows TYPE:NORMAL GRP2. Dial group number (eg., 505) [505] STN.GROUPOR TYPE:NORMAL GRPPress UP or DOWN key to select group and press LEFTsoft key to move cursor to type of group, DIAL group type(0–2, eg., 1)ORPress UP or DOWN key to make a selection and press [505] STN GROUPLEFT soft key to move cursor to TYPE TYPE:VMAA3. Dial Feature option number (0–6, eg., 0) [505] STN GROUPOR RING:SEQENTIALPress UP or DOWN key to make selection and pressRIGHT soft key to move cursor to ring value4. Dial ring option (0–2, eg., 1) 505] STN GROUPOR [RING:DISTRIBUTEPress UP or DOWN key to make selection and pressLEFT soft key to move cursor back to RING or pressRIGHT soft key to return to step 25. Dial next feature option and continue [505] STN GROUPOR RING:DISTRIBUTEPress UP or DOWN key to select optionORPress LEFT soft key to return to step 26. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPK to store and advance to next MMCDEFAULT DATA: NORMAL GROUPRELATED ITEMS: MMC 203 ASSIGN UA DEVICEMMC 204 COMMON BELL CONTROL