SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL SECTIONPage 32 of 280 DCS & DX I&M August 2001MMC 113: View MemoDESCRIPTION:Allows a station user the ability to view a memo left by the user. A memo can be left by entering it via the dialkey pad using the table below. MMC 112 Alarm Reminder can be programmed to remind the user to read thememo. A memo of up to and including 14 characters can be entered. Using the dial key pad, press “6” twotimes to enter the letter “N,” and press “3” twice for an “e.” Pressing the “A” key will change the letters fromupper case to lower case.NOTE: When the character desired appears on the same dial pad key as the previous character, press theUP key to move the cursor to the right.COUNT 1 2 3 4 5DIAL 0 Q Z . ) 0DIAL 1 SPACE ? , ! 1DIAL 2 A B C @ 2DIAL 3 D E F # 3DIAL 4 G H I $ 4DIAL 5 J K L % 5DIAL 6 M N O ^ 6DIAL 7 P R S & 7DIAL 8 T U V ( 9DIAL 9 W X Y ( 9DIAL ∗ : = [ ] ∗The # key can be used for the following special characters: #, space, &, !, :, ?, ., %, $, -, <, >, /, =, [, ], @, ^, (,), _, +, {, }, |, ;, \, “ and ~.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 113 [201] VIEW MEMODisplay shows 1:2. Press RIGHT soft key to move cursor [201] VIEW MEMOand add memo via dial key pad using 1: NEED BREADprocedure abovePress RIGHT soft key to return to step 23. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPK to store and advance tonext MMCDEFAULT DATA: NO MEMOS ENTEREDRELATED ITEMS: “A” BUTTON IS BUTTON #19 ON KEYSET