SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL SECTIONPage 273 of 287 Updated I&M May 2002Dial 2 EvenSTOP BITDial 1 1 bitDial 2 2 bitPROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear entry (when valid)ACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 804 SYS I/OPORT : 1Display shows SERVICE : PC - MMC2. Enter in desired port via dial SYS I/OPORT : 2key pad (eg., 2) SERVICE : SMDRORPress UP or DOWN key to make selectionand press RIGHT soft key to move cursor3. Enter parameter desired via dial key pad SYS I/OPORT : 2(eg., 7) from the above option list SIM PAIR : NONEORPress UP or DOWN key to make selectionand press RIGHT soft key to move cursor4. Enter in station number of desired SIM SYS I/OPORT : 2via dial keypad (eg., 2902) SIM PAIR : 2902ORPress UP or DOWN key to display SIM(s)and press RIGHT soft key to return to step 25. Press TRSF to store and exitORPress SPK to store and advance to nextMMCDEFAULT DATA: SERVICE PORT 1 PCMMCPORT 2 SMDRBAUD RATE 9600 BPSCHAR LENGTH 8 BITSPARITY NONERETRY COUNT 03STOP BIT 1 BITWAIT TIME PORT 1 3000 msecWAIT TIME PORT 2 300 secRELATED ITEMS: PCMMC SECTIONMMC 725 SMDR