CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 3030Advanced tip and eraser pressure settingsTo further customize tip or eraser pressure settings, from the P EN or ERASER tab click on the D ETAILS...button to display the F EEL DETAILS dialog box. The options within this dialog box enable you to change thetip or eraser pressure sensitivity and click threshold settings independently. (In the P EN and E RASER tabs,these settings are adjusted simultaneously with the T IP FEEL or ERASER FEEL slider.)Important: The TIP FEEL or ERASER FEEL slider overrides the detail pressure settings. If youcustomize the detail settings, then drag the slider, your detail settings will be removed.Drag the slider to adjustthe click threshold level.This setting determinesthe amount of forcerequired to generate a tipclick.Using your pen tip oreraser, make severalstrokes within the box totest the results of yourchanges.Drag the slider to select apressure sensitivity setting.If you have a soft touch andwant to achieve full pressurewithout having to apply fullforce to your pen, choose asofter setting.The PROFILE graphicallydisplays the selectedpressure SENSITIVITY curveand CLICK THRESHOLDsettings.A curve that increasesquickly makes the pen feelmore sensitive.