CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 4747• Touch Strip Scroll Settings. Each tablet Touch Strip can be customized to issue scrolling only actions.When S CROLL is selected, an up or down motion on the Touch Strip will cause a scroll up or down actionin most applications.Note: Some applications may interpret scrolling events as zoom events, or may ignore scrollingcompletely.When you select SCROLL from aTouch Strip’s FUNCTION pull-downmenu, the tab displays the customscroll options for that Touch Strip.Choose a Touch Strip scrollingspeed.When you select one or moreCOMBINE WITH: modifier keyoptions, the selected option(s) willbe sent to the application alongwith each scroll event. This can beused, for example, to createcustom zooming or other actionswithin an application.Macintosh: The available optionsare OPTION, COMMAND (Apple key),CONTROL , and SHIFT.