CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 3737Customizing the Mouse fingerwheelBy default, the fingerwheel controls scrolling in most windows and applications. To customize thefingerwheel, use your Intuos3 Mouse to open the Wacom Tablet control panel and select the M OUSE tab.When you select the K EYSTROKES option, the keystroke(s) that you set will be sent once for each notch ofwheel movement. To learn which keystroke shortcuts are supported by a particular application, review thedocumentation that came with the application.Returns the tab settingsto their factory defaultconditions.These options control the fingerwheelfunction. You can set the FUNCTION toS CROLL , KEYSTROKES, or DISABLED .The default setting is to SCROLL .When you select SCROLL from theFUNCTION pull-down menu, the tabdisplays the custom scroll options.Choose a scrolling speed that will beused for each notch of wheelmovement. Roll the fingerwheelforward to scroll up, and back to scrolldown.When you select one or more COMBINE WITH: modifier key options, the selectedoption(s) will be sent to the application along with each scroll event. For example,this can be used to create custom zooming or other actions within an application.Macintosh: The available options are OPTION, COMMAND (Apple key), CONTROL , andSHIFT.When you select KEYSTROKES, the tab displays thecustom keystrokes options.To customize the keystrokes that will be sent for eachnotch of wheel movement in a particular direction,click on a keystrokes button to enter a keystrokefunction. The new keystroke setting will be displayedon the CLICK TO SET button.The KEYSTROKES option is useful when working withrepetitive functions, such as zooming in Photoshop ormoving forward and backward within your Internetbrowser.Hint: To double the speed of a keystroke action, enter the keystrokesequence twice within the DEFINE KEYSTROKE dialog box.