TROUBLESHOOTINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 6565Macintosh-specific problemsWindows 98. The tabletdoes not install properly.Save your work and close all open applications before installing your tablet.Plug the USB tablet cable into a powered USB port. The tablet willautomatically register as a USB device and the LED will light.The A DD N EW H ARDWARE WIZARD will display. Follow the prompts, selectingthe default options. If prompted to install drivers for the USB HumanInterface Device, insert the Windows 98 CD, click OK, and enter the locationof the Windows CAB files (e.g., D:\WIN98).Note: The files may be located on your hard disk in theC:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS folder.After the ADD NEW HARDWARE WIZARD has finished, eject the Windows 98CD, insert the Wacom Tablet CD, and select C ONTINUE.Windows 98 or Me.When working withmultiple monitors, thescreen cursor positioningis incorrect after movinginto the unmapped area ofthe virtual desktop.On a multiple monitor system, the tablet is mapped to the virtual desktop (arectangular area covering all monitors). In the Wacom Tablet control panel’sPORTION OF SCREEN dialog box, the screen rectangle represents the entirevirtual desktop.If your video display areas do not form a rectangle because they aredifferent sizes or they are not evenly aligned, the screen cursor positioningwill be incorrect after moving into the unmapped area of the virtual desktop.To reestablish the correct screen cursor position, lift your Intuos3 tool awayfrom the tablet surface and then return it to within 6 mm (0.25 in) of thetablet surface in an area of the tablet that is mapped to a display area.At startup, a dialog boxappears telling you thateither the driver failed toload or the tabletpreferences have not yetbeen created.The tablet was not detected at startup. Make sure the USB interface cableis securely connected and that the status LED on the tablet is blue. If yourtablet is plugged into a powered USB hub, make sure the hub is connectedand active.From the GO menu, select A PPLICATIONS and open the U TILITIES folder.Launch the A PPLE SYSTEM PROFILER and select the D EVICES AND VOLUMEStab. A USB tablet should be displayed by the profiler. If a USB tablet wasnot found, check the USB tablet cable connection or try plugging the tabletinto a different USB port.If you are still having problems, open the OS X Disk Utility application andrun R EPAIR DISK PERMISSIONS from the FIRST AID tab. If this does not help,contact Wacom for Technical Support. See technical support options.