CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 3939Mouse modeThe default M ODE for the Intuos3 Mouse is MOUSE mode.With MOUSE mode selected, the M APPING tab looks like this:Note: You can also switch between P EN mode and M OUSE mode by using the screen Pop-up Menu.See customizing the Pop-up Menu for more information. If you frequently switch between P EN mode andMOUSE mode, you can assign the M ODE TOGGLE... function to one of your tool buttons.OrientationYou can choose a different tablet O RIENTATION and then physically rotate your tablet to match the selectionyou have made. This feature can be useful if you prefer to work with the tablet controls on the bottom oreither side of your tablet, or if you are working with a tall monitor.• LANDSCAPE. Tablet orientation is horizontal, with the tablet status LED at the top. This is the defaultsetting.• PORTRAIT. Rotate the tablet 90 degrees clockwise so the tablet status LED is located on the right side.• LANDSCAPE FLIPPED. Rotate the tablet 180 degrees so the tablet status LED is located near the bottom.• P ORTRAIT FLIPPED. Rotate the tablet 90 degrees counter-clockwise so the tablet status LED is locatedon the left side.After making changes, verify you have the correct setting for your tablet orientation. Do this by moving yourtool “up” on the tablet – the screen cursor should move up as well.Note: The orientation you select applies to all tools and applications.The MODE you select controls how the screen cursor moves. In MOUSE mode,the screen cursor moves with relative positioning.Select a slower or faster screencursor tracking speed when inMOUSE mode.Sets the screen cursor accelerationwhen in MOUSE mode.Select the ORIENTATION of yourtablet.Note: Except for tabletORIENTATION, all mappingsettings apply to a specificIntuos3 tool.Returns the tab settings to theirfactory default conditions.