n C3-03: Slip Compensation LimitSets the upper limit for the slip compensation function as a percentage of the motor rated slip (E2-02).No. Parameter Name Setting Range DefaultC3-03 Slip Compensation Limit 0 to 250 200%Although the slip compensation limit is constant throughout the torque range, the following diagram shows how it works with constant torque.Note: This parameter is disabled when using Simple PG in V/f Control (H6-01 = 3).E1-04E1-06 × C3-03C3-03E1-04MaximumFrequencyE1-06BaseFrequencyoutput frequencyFigure 5.25 Slip Compensation Limitn C3-04: Slip Compensation Selection during RegenerationWhen the slip compensation during regeneration function has been activated and regeneration capacity increases momentarily, it might be necessary touse a braking option (braking resistor, braking resistor unit or braking unit.)Even if enabled, this function does not operate when output frequency is too low.No. Parameter Name Setting Range DefaultC3-04 Slip Compensation Selection during Regeneration 0: Disabled1: Enabled 0n C3-05: Output Voltage Limit Operation SelectionDetermines if the motor flux is automatically reduced when output voltage saturation occurs.No. Parameter Name Setting Range DefaultC3-05 Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection 0: Disabled1: Enabled 0u C4: Torque Compensationn C4-01: Torque Compensation Gainn C4-02: Torque Compensation Primary Delay TimeThe Torque Compensation function compensates for insufficient torque production at start-up and during low speed operation. The drive will detectincreases in the motor load by monitoring the output current and compensate by increasing the output voltage. The increased output voltage leads to anincrease in usable torque.Torque Compensation in V/f Control:The drive calculates the motor primary loss voltage using the terminal resistance value (E2-05) and adjusts the output voltage to compensate insufficienttorque at start and during low-speed operation. The compensation voltage is calculated by multiplying the motor primary voltage loss times parameterC4-01.Torque Compensation in Open Loop Vector Control:The drive calculates motor excitation current and torque producing current, controlling them separately. Torque compensation affects the torque producingcurrent only. Torque producing current is calculated by multiplying the torque reference times C4-01.No. Parameter Name Setting Range DefaultC4-01 Torque Compensation Gain 0.00 to 2.50 Determined by A1-02C4-02 Torque Compensation Primary Delay Time 0 to 60000 Determined by A1-02Detailed DescriptionSets amount of gain for torque compensation. This parameter rarely needs to be changed, but adjustment may help in the following situations:• Increase this setting when using a long motor cable.• Increase when the motor is significantly smaller than the drive capacity.• Decrease this setting when motor oscillation occurs.Note: Adjust the range so that the output current does not exceed the drive’s current rating when operating at low speeds.C4-02 is used to the primary delay time in milliseconds for torque compensation. Although C4-02 rarely needs to be changed, adjustments can be madeas follows:5.3 C: Tuning134 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 18A YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual (Preliminary)