C.2 MEMOBUS/Modbus Parametersu MEMOBUS/Modbus Parametersn H5-01: Drive Node AddressThis parameter tells the PLC what the node address is for the individual drive.No. Name Description Setting Range Default MEMOBUS/ModbusAddressH5-01 Drive Node Address Selects drive station node number (address) for MEMOBUS/Modbus terminals R+, R-, S+, S-.Cycle power for the setting to take effect. 0 to 20 H* 1F 425H*If the address is set to 0, no response will be provided during communications.For serial communciations to work, each individual slave drive must be assigned a unique node address. Setting H5-01 to any value besides 0 assigns thedrive its address in the network. Slave address don't need to be assigned in sequential order, but each address needs to be unique so that no two driveshave the same address. The power to the drive needs to be cycled after setting the address for the node address to take affect.n H5-02: Communication Speed Selectionn H5-03: Communication Parity SelectionThese parameters set the communication speed and the parity.No. Name Description Setting Range Default MEMOBUS/ModbusAddressH5-02 Communication Speed SelectionSelects the baud rate for MEMOBUS/Modbus terminals R+, R-, S+ and S-.Cycle power for the setting to take effect.0 : 1200 bps1 : 2400 bps2 : 4800 bps3 : 9600 bps4 : 19200 bps5 : 38400 bps6 : 57600 bps7 : 76800 bps8 : 115200 bps0 to 8 3 426HH5-03 Communication Parity SelectionSelects the communication parity for MEMOBUS/Modbus terminals R+, R-, S+and S-.Cycle power for the setting to take effect.0: No parity1: Even parity2: Odd parity0 to 2 0 427HDetailed DescriptionParameters H5-02 and H5-03 should be set according to the network specifications run by the master controller. Because the power to the drive needs tobe cycled in order for these parameter settings to take affect, the application will have to be stopped to change these settings.n H5-04: Stopping Method After Communication ErrorTells the drive how it should stop the motor when a communication error occurs.No. Name Description Setting Range Default MEMOBUS/ModbusAddressH5-04 Stopping Method AfterCommunication Error 0: Ramp to stop (decelerates according to C1-02)1: Coast to stop2: Fast-Stop3: Alarm only 0 to 3 3 428Hn H5-05: Communication Fault Detection SelectionEnables or disables the communications time-out fault (CE).No. Name Description Setting Range Default MEMOBUS/ModbusAddressH5-05 Communication Fault DetectionSelection0: Disabled - A communication loss will not cause a communication fault.1: Enabled - If communication is lost for more than two seconds, a CE fault willoccur. 0, 1 1 429HIf H5-05 is set to 1, a fault will occur if the master controller does not receive a response from the drive after two seconds. The power to the drive needsto be cycled for the setting in H5-05 to take affect.n H5-06: Drive Transmit Wait TimeSets how long the drive should wait to send a response after it receives data.No. Name Description SettingRange Default MEMOBUS/ModbusAddressH5-06 Drive Transmit Wait Time Set the delay time from when the drive receives data to when the drive sends data. 5 to 65 5 ms 42AHDrive power needs to be cycled for the setting in H5-06 to take effect.C.2 MEMOBUS/Modbus Parameters332 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 18A YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual (Preliminary)