Step Display/Result3. Press RUNto give the drive a run command. RUN will light and the motor will rotate at 6 Hz. ⇒STOPOff On4. Ensure the motor is rotating in the correct direction and no faults or alarms occur. ⇒MotorForward5. If there is no error in step 4, press to increase the frequency reference. Increase the frequency in 10 Hzincrements verifying smooth operation results at all speeds. For each frequency monitor the drive output current(U1-03) through the LED operator to confirm the current is well below the motor rated current. Example: 6 Hz →50 Hz/60 Hz.6. The drive should operate normally. Press STOP to stop the motor. RUN flashes until the motor comes to acomplete stop.⇒ STOPFlashing OffNote: To operate the drive, run (forward/reverse) command and frequency (or multi-step speed) reference are needed. Input these commands and references to the drive.u Operating with the Load ConnectedAfter performing a no-load test run, connect the motor and proceed to run the load.n Notes on Connected Machinery• Clear the area around the motor.• The motor should come to a complete stop without problems. Connect the machinery.• Fasten all installation screws properly. Check that the motor and connected machinery are held in place.• Confirm that the Fast-stop circuit or mechanical safety operate correctly.• Prepare to press the STOP button in the case of an emergency.n Checklist Before Operation• The motor should rotate in the proper direction.• The motor should accelerate and decelerate smoothly.• Check U1-03 to ensure there is not overcurrent.If the application permits running the load in the reverse direction, try changing motor direction and the frequency reference and watch for abnormalmotor oscillation or vibration. Correct the problem if hunting or oscillation occurs or if there are control-related problems.n Operating the Motor under Loaded ConditionsTest run the application similarly to the no-load test procedure when connecting the machinery to the motor.5.11 Auto-Tuning214 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 18A YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual (Preliminary)