Setting 1: Match Frequency Reference and Motor SpeedNote: In V/f control the drive ignores the value set to L4-08 and refers to the soft-starter output to determine whether a speed agreementsituation has been reached.The following functions are influenced by the speed agree condition:• Overtorque alarms oL3 and oL4 when parameters L6-01 or L6-04 are set to 1, 3, 5, or 7.• DriveWorksEZ functions that use speed agree output• The Up 2/Down 2 functions• Multi-Function Digital Output SettingsSetting Value Function2 Frequency (Speed) Agree 13 User-set Frequency (Speed) Agree 14 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 15 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 213 Frequency (Speed) Agree 214 User-set Frequency (Speed) Agree 215 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 316 Frequency (FOUT) Detection 4• MEMOBUS/Modbus Monitor DataRegister No. Description002CHDrive Status 2Bit 2 Speed Agree, 1: During AgreeBit 3 User-set Speed Agree, 1: During AgreeBit 4 Frequency Detection 1, 1: Output Frequency ≤ L4-01Bit 5 Frequency Detection 2, 1: Output Frequency ≥ L4-01004BH Drive Status (U1-12)Bit 4 1: During Speed Agree• U: MonitorNo. Name DescriptionU1-12 Drive Status The fifth digit from the right side: During Speed Agreen Notes on Controlling the Brake for the Hoist ApplicationThe frequency detection function is used for controlling the brake.When an external Baseblock command is present while a Run command is active, the frequency reference will be kept aslong as the Run command is active. To avoid improper brake operation make sure that frequency detection is set so thatthe brake does not open during Baseblock (L4-07 = “0”, default).Brake Open/Close Brake Activation LevelFunction Parameter Signal ParameterFrequencyDetectionConditions L4-07 = 0 Frequency Detection Level L4-01 = 2.0 to 3.0 Hz <1>FrequencyDetection 2 H2-01 = 5 Frequency Detection Width 2.0 Hz (fixed)<1> If the load slips during stop, make it greater than E1-09 or 2.0 Hz until the load no longer slips.2.0 Hz (fixed)L4-01OFFONTimeOutputFrequencyFrequencyDectection 2Figure 5.86 Frequency Detection 2The braking sequence should be designed as follows:• A normally open signal (N.O.) should be used to control the brake so that it is released when terminal MA-MC closes.5.8 L: Protection Functions218 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16C YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual