No. Name Description Range Def.ControlMode Addr.Hex Pg.V/fOLVPMH6-03<2> Pulse Train Input Gain Sets the level of the value selected in H6-01 when afrequency with the value set in H6-02 is input. 0.0 to1000.0 100.0% A A A 42E 202H6-04<2> Pulse Train Input Bias Sets the level of the value selected in H6-01 when 0 Hz isinput. -100.0 to+100.0 0.0% A A A 42F 202H6-05<2> Pulse Train Input Filter Time Sets the pulse train input filter time constant. 0.00 to2.00 0.10 s A A A 430 202H6-06<2> Pulse Train MonitorTerminal MP SelectionSelect the pulse train monitor output function (value of theo-oo part of Uo-oo).Refer to U: Monitors on page 371 for the list of U monitors.Example: To select U5-01, set “501. ”When not using thisparameter or when using in the through mode, set “000”.<5>000, 031,101, 102,105, 116,501, 502;801 to809102 A A A 431 202H6-07<2> Pulse Train MonitorScalingSets the terminal MP output signal frequency when themonitor value is 100%. Set H6-06 to 102 and H6-07 to 0 tomake the pulse train monitor output equal to the outputfrequency.0 to32000 1440Hz A A A 432 202<1> The availability of certain functions depends on the control method used.<2> Parameter can be changed during Run.<3> If this parameter is set to 0, the drive will be unable to respond to MEMOBUS/Modbus commands.<4> Default setting is determined by drive software version.PRG: 1016 and later: 100 to 32000 HzPRG: 1015 and earlier: 1000 to 32000 Hz<5> When set for sourcing, +5 V/1.5 kΩ or higher, +8 V/3.5 kΩ or higher, +10 V/10 kΩ or higher. When set for sinking, the external power supplyshould be +12 Vdc, ±5% with 16 mA or less.Note: Cycle power to the drive to enable MEMOBUS/Modbus settings.u L: Protection FunctionL parameters provide protection to the drive and motor, such as: control during momentary power loss, Stall Prevention,frequency detection, fault restarts, overtorque detection, torque limits and other types of hardware protection.No. Name Description Range Def.ControlMode Addr.Hex Pg.V/fOLVPML1: Motor Protection FunctionsUse L1 parameters to configure motor protective functions.L1-01 Motor Overload ProtectionSelectionSets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) based onthe cooling capacity of the motor.0: Disabled1: General Purpose Motor (Standard Fan Cooled)2: Drive Dedicated Motor with a Speed Range of 1:103: Vector Motor with a Speed Range of 1:1004: PM Motor with Variable Torque6: General Purpose Motor (50 Hz) <1>Note: When using multiple motors the drive may not be ableto provide protection, even if overload is enabled in L1-01.Set L1-01 to 0 and ensure each motor has separate thermalrelays installed.0 to 4; 6 1<2> S S S 480 203L1-02 Motor Overload ProtectionTimeSets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) time.A larger L1-02 time will increase the time for an oL1 faultto occur.This parameter does not typically require adjustment.Should be set in accordance with the overload tolerance ofthe motor.0.1 to 5.0 1.0min A A A 481 205L1-03 Motor Overheat AlarmOperation Selection (PTCinput)Sets operation when the motor temperature analog input(H3-02/10 = E) exceeds the oH3 alarm level.0: Ramp to Stop1: Coast to Stop2: Fast-stop using C1-093: Alarm Only (“oH3” will flash)0 to 3 3 A A A 482 206B.2 Parameter TableYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16C YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual 357B Parameter List