No. Name Description Range Def.ControlMode Addr.Hex Pg.V/fOLVPMb5-40<8>Frequency ReferenceMonitor Content during PID0: Display the frequency reference (U1-01) after PIDcompensation has been added.1: Display the frequency reference (U1-01) before PIDcompensation has been added.0, 1 0 A A A 17F 138b5-47<5>Reverse Operation Selection2 by PID OutputReverses operation selection when b5-01 = 3 or 40: Zero limit when PID output is a negative value1: Reverse operation when PID output is a negative value(Zero limit if the reverse operation is prohibited by b1-04)0, 1 1 A A A 17D 139b6: Dwell FunctionUse b6 parameters to configure dwell function operation.b6-01 Dwell Reference at Start The Dwell function is used to temporarily hold the frequencywhen driving a motor with a heavy load.Parameters b6-01 and b6-02 set the frequency to hold andthe time to maintain that frequency at start.Parameters b6-03 and b6-04 set the frequency to hold andthe time to maintain that frequency at stop.b6-01b6-02b6-03b6-04OFFRun commandOutputFrequencyTimeON0.0 to400.0 0.0Hz A A A 1B6 139b6-02 Dwell Time at Start 0.0 to10.0 0.0 s A A A 1B7 139b6-03 Dwell Frequency at Stop 0.0 to400.0 0.0Hz A A A 1B8 139b6-04 Dwell Time at Stop 0.0 to10.0 0.0 s A A A 1B9 139b8: Energy SavingUse b8 parameters to configure the energy saving/conservation drive function.b8-01 Energy Saving ControlSelectionSelects the Energy Savings function.0: Disabled1: Enabled 0, 1 0 A A − 1CC 140b8-02<6> Energy Saving Gain Sets energy savings control gain when in Open Loop VectorControl. 0.0 to10.0 0.7 − A − 1CD 140b8-03<6> Energy Saving Control FilterTime Constant Sets energy saving control filter time constant when in OpenLoop Vector Control. 0.00 to10.00 0.50<4> − A − 1CE 140b8-04 Energy Saving CoefficientValue Sets the Energy Saving coefficient and is used to fineadjustments in V/f Control. 0.0 to655.00<9><10> A − − 1CF 140b8-05 Power Detection Filter Time Sets a filter time for the Power Detection used by EnergySavings in V/f Control. 0 to 2000 20 ms A − − 1D0 140b8-06 Search Operation VoltageLimitSets the limit for the voltage search operation performed byEnergy Savings in V/f Control. Set as a percentage of themotor base voltage. Disabled when set to 0%. 0 to 100 0% A − − 1D1 140<1> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 2-OLV control.<2> A coasting motor may require a braking resistor circuit to bring the motor to a stop in the required time.<3> Default setting value is dependent on parameter A1-02, Control Method Selection. The value shown is for A1-02 = 0-V/f Control.<4> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.<5> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1020 and later.<6> Parameter can be changed during Run.<7> Default setting is dependent on parameter b5-20, PID Setpoint Scaling.<8> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1014 and later.<9> Default setting value is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection and C6-01, Drive Duty Selection.<10> Parameter value is changed if E2-11 is manually changed or changed by Auto-Tuning.<11> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1022 and later.<12> Default setting is determined by A1-02, Control Method SelectionB.2 Parameter Table336 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 16C YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Technical Manual