Page 11FT-897D OPERATING MANUALCW K EY /K EYER C ONNECTIONSAll commonly-available keyer paddles should work perfectlywith the built-in Electronic Keyer. The wiring configurationfor the paddle is shown below.For straight-key operation, only the tip and shaft connec-tions are used.RECEIVER ACCESSORIES(TAPE R ECORDER ETC .)Connection of a tape recorder or other such receiver acces-sory is easily accomplished by using the DATA jack’s DataOut (1200 bps) terminal (Pin 5) and Ground (Pin 2). Theaudio output is fixed at 100 mV, with an impedance of 600Ω.I NSTALLATIONNote: Even when using a straight key, you must use a three-conductor (“stereo”) plug. If a two-conductor plugis used, the key line will be constantly shorted toground.When using an external electronic keyer, be absolutely cer-tain that it is configured for “positive” keying, not “nega-tive” or “grid block” keying. The “key-up” voltage of theFT-897D is +5V, and the “key-down” current is only about1 mA.For CW automated keying using a personal computer, withan external memory keyer providing for manual sending, itusually is possible to connect the keyed lines together via a“Y” connector. Check with the documentation accompany-ing your keyer and your contest/DX software for any cau-tions which need to be observed.KEY GNDGNDKEYCOMMONCOMMONDOTDOTDASHDASHADJUSTING THE FRONT B AILThe front bail of the transceiver allows the transceiver to betilted upward for better viewing. Simply fold bail forwardto raise the front of the transceiver, and fold bail back againstthe bottom case to lower the front of the FT-897D.DATADATA OUT1200bpsGND