Page 39FT-897D OPERATING MANUALT RANSMITTER O PERATIONPSK31 OperationTwo dedicated PSK31 modes are available, one each forUSB-side and LSB-side injection. For BPSK work, the in-jection does not matter, but for QPSK the two working sta-tions must use the same sideband.Connect the FT-897D to your computer’s sound card orinterface, per thenillustration.Setup for PSK31 operation is basically identical to that pre-viously described for RTTY operation. As before, use the“DIG” mode. However, in Menu Mode No-038 [DIGMODE], select “PSK31-L” (for LSB injection) or “PSK31-U” (for USB injection). As with RTTY, Menu #38 may beused to set the drive to the transmitter. And the YF-122C500 Hz filter or YF-122CN 300 Hz filter may also be uti-lized, as described previously.“USER” DEFINED DIGITAL MODESAlso provided in the FT-897D are two convenient “USER”Digital modes, one each providing USB- and LSB-side in-jection, which may be used for SSTV, Fax, Pactor, and otherdigital operating modes.Here is an example involving the configuration of the USERmode for JT44 (WSJT) operation with USB-side injection(as opposed to LSB injection, used in the default “RTTY”mode):1. Use Menu Mode No-038 [DIG MODE] to set the Digitalmode to “USER-U.”2. Press the MODE()/MODE() key, as needed, to se-lect the DIG operating mode (the “DIG” icon will appearon the display).3. Now use Menu mode to configure the transceiver’s pass-band response. Once in the Menu mode, rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob to select Menu Mode No-039 [DIGSHIFT], and rotate the DIAL knob to set the desired BFOoffset. (a center frequency for the receiver response). ForWSJT use, a setting of about “+1500” will be a goodstarting point.4. Finally, depending on how you wish the display to re-spond, you may program in a corresponding display shift,using Menu Mode No-036 [DIG DISP].5. Remember to press and hold in the [F] key for one sec-ond when exiting the Menu mode.The setup of the AFSK drive level is identical to that de-scribed previously for RTTY operation.The USER-L and USER-U Digital modesshould allow you to operate on any SSB-basedAFSK Digital mode. Note that the “PSK31”configurations will also work well for many Digital oper-ating situations.DIGITAL M ODE O PERATION (SSB-B ASED AFSK)Packet (1200/9600 bps FM) OperationThe FT-897D is designed for operation on either 1200 bpsor 9600 bps packet, and setup is similar to that describedpreviously for SSB-based modes. A separate Data input ad-justment is provided, allowing you to optimize the devia-tion on the FM Packet modes separately from the levels setfor SSB-based Digital modes. The RX-Data output lines arefixed-level outputs, not affected by the setting of the AF Gaincontrol.1. Connect your TNC to the FT-897D’s rear-panel DATAjack, per the illustration.Note that different connections are used for 1200 bpsand 9600 bps Packet.PTTDATA INGNDDATAOUTDATAIN PTTDATA OUT(1200bps)DATA OUT(9600bps)2. Use Menu Mode No-073 [PKT RATE] to select the de-sired Packet mode.Once you have entered the Menu and have selected MenuMode No-073 [PKT RATE], rotate the DIAL knob toselect either “1200” or “9600” (bps) as the Packet rate.3. Press the MODE()/MODE() key, as needed, to se-lect the PKT operating mode (the “PKT” icon will ap-pear on the display).You are now set up for reception on Packet. If you are oper-ating on 1200 bps, try now to connect to another station ornode; you may well find that the drive level needs no furtheradjustment. If, however, you are having trouble connectingdue to insufficient or excessive drive from the TNC to theFT-897D, use Menu Mode No-071 [PKT 1200] (for 1200bps Packet) or No-072 [PKT 9600] (for 9600 bps Packet)to set the drive. Use your terminal software’s “test” protocolto send out test tones, and adjust the deviation by rotatingthe DIAL knob, which will vary the data input level to theFT-897D’s modulator. Remember to press and hold in the[F] key for one second when adjustments are completed, soas to save the new setting for Menu Mode No-071 [PKT1200] or No-072 [PKT 9600].The 9600 bps Packet deviation setting is very criti-cal to successful operation, and it can only beaccomplished using a calibrated deviation meter;the optimum setting is usually ±2.75 kHz (±0.25 kHz). For1200 bps, the optimum level is much less critical, with theoptimum deviation being between ±2.5 kHz and ±3.5 kHz.