Page 56 FT-897D OPERATING MANUALMENU O PERATIONMENU MODE No- 001 [EXT MENU]Function: Enables/Disables the extended Menu Mode.Available Values: ON/OFFDefault: OFFMENU MODE No •002 [144 MHz ARS]Function: Activates/deactivates the Aut omatic RepeaterShift feature when operating on the 144 MHz band.Available Values: ON/OFFDefault: ON (depending on transceiver version)MENU MODE No •003 [430 MHz ARS]Function: Activates/deactivates the Automatic RepeaterShift feature when operating on the 430 MHz band.Available Values: ON/OFFDefault: ON (depending on transceiver version)MENU MODE No •004 [AM&FM DIAL]Function: Enabling/disabling of the DIAL knob on the AMand FM modes.Available Values: ENABLE/DISABLEDefault: DISABLEMENU MODE No- 005 [AM MIC GAIN]Function: Adjusts the microphone gain level for the AMmode.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50MENU MODE No- 006 [AM STEP]Function: Selects the tuning steps for the MEM/VFO CHknob on the AM mode.Available Values: 2.5/5/9/10/12.5/25kHzDefault: 5 kHz (depending on transceiver version)MENU MODE No- 007 [APO TIME]Function: Selects the Auto Power Off time (time beforepower goes off).Available Values: OFF/1h ~ 6hDefault: OFFMENU MODE No •008 [ARTS BEEP]Function: Selects the ARTS beep mode.Available Values: OFF/RANGE/ALLDefault: RANGEOFF: No alert beeps sound; you must look at the dis-play to determine current ARTS status.RANGE: A high tone beep will sound when the transceiverfirst detects that you are within range, and a lowbeep will sound when the other station goes outof range.ALL: A high tone beep will sound every time a pollingtransmission is received from the other station,and a low beep will sound once when the otherstation goes out of range.MENU MODE No •009 [ARTS ID]Function: Enables/disables the CW identifier during ARTSoperation.Available Values: ON/OFFDefault: OFFMENU MODE No•010 [ARTS IDW]Function: Stores your callsign into the CW identifier. Up toten characters may be stored. The storage procedure is asfollows:1. Press the MEM/VFO CH knob momentarily to initiatecallsign storage (the first character location of the callsignwill be underlined).2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the first letter/number ofyour callsign, then rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob oneclick clockwise to save the first letter/number and moveto the next entry position.3. Repeat the previous step as many times as necessary tocomplete your callsign.4. Press the MEM/VFO CH knob to save your completedcallsign and exit.Default: YAESUMENU MODE No •011 [BEACON TEXT 1]Function: Stores the message for the Beacon. Up to 40 char-acters may be stored. The storage procedure is as follows:1. Press and hold in the [F] key for one second to enter theMenu mode.2. Rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob to select Menu ModeNo-011 [BEACON TEXT 1].3. Press the MEM/VFO CH knob to enable storage of theBeacon Text (the first character location will be under-lined).4. Rotate the DIAL to select the first character (number orletter) in the Beacon Text you wish to store, then rotatethe MEM/VFO CH knob one click clockwise to moveto the next character.5. Repeat step 4 as many times as necessary to completethe Beacon Text.If the Beacon Text is less than 40 characters or morethan 40 characters, see page 50 for details.MENU MODE No •012 [BEACON TIME]Function: Selects the interval time (between message andmessage).Available Values: OFF/1 sec ~ 255 secDefault: OFFMENU MODE No•013 [BEEP TONE]Function: Selects the beep frequency.Available Values: 440/880/1760 HzDefault: 880 HzMENU MODE No- 014 [BEEP VOL]Function: Selects the beep volume level.Available Values: 0 ~ 100Default: 50Press the [B] key to monitor the level during adjustment.