Page 49FT-897D OPERATING MANUALScan Skip Programming (Memory Mode Only)Among the memories you have programmed, there may besome stations which you do not wish to scan. For example,broadcast signals (which are transmitted continuously) willcause the scanner to stop, and such channels may be skippedso as to avoid this inconvenience.To remove a channel from the scanning loop:1. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob, as needed, until Multi Function Row“b” [MW, SKIP, TAG] appears on the display.2. Recall the memory channel to be skipped.3. Press the [B](SKIP) key momentarily. The “hyphen” inthe memory channel number will change to become a“dot;” this shows that this channel now is not includedin the scanning loop.“PRIORITY C HANNEL ” S CANNINGThe FT-897D’s scanning features include a two-channelscanning capability which allows you to operate on a VFOor Memory channel, while periodically checking a MemoryChannel “M-001” for activity. If a station is received on theMemory Channel “M-001” which is strong enough to openthe Squelch, the scanner will pause on that station in accor-dance with the Scan-Resume mode set via Menu Mode No-078 [SCAN RESUME]. See page 62.Here is the procedure for activating Priority Channel DualWatch operation:1. Rotate the SQL control until the background noise isjust silenced, then store the frequency to be the “Prior-ity” channel into the Memory Channel “M-001.”2. Set the FT-897D for operation on another memory chan-nel, or on a VFO frequency.3. Press the [F] key momentarily, then rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob, as needed, until Multi Function Row“g” [SCN, PRI, DW] appears on the display.4. Press the [B](PRI) key momentarily to start the “Prior-ity” monitoring (the “ ” icon will appear at the upper ofthe frequency display). During Priority monitoring, thedisplayed frequency will shift to thePriority memory briefly about fiveseconds, while the receiver check forthe presence of a signal.5. When no signal appears on the Priority memory (i.e. thesquelch remains closed), you can tune, transmit and re-ceive on the VFO, or select and operate on other memo-ries.6. If a station you wish to talk with appears on the Prioritychannel, press the PTT switch momentarily while re-ceiving their signal (no transmission will occur) to haltPriority scanning. Otherwise, when a signal appears onthe Priority channel, Priority monitoring will just pauseon the channel. Priority monitoring will resume.7. To cancel Priority monitoring, press again the [B](PRI)key.S CANNING O PERATION4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as necessary to skipall the channels you do not wish to scan.5. Initiate memory scanning; you will observe that the chan-nels you marked to be skipped are not included in thescanning loop.6. Press the PTT switch to stop the scan; you may now usethe MEM/VFO CH knob to step through the channelsmanually - one at a time - and you will observe that the“Skipped” channels are, nonetheless, available for re-call by manual means.7. You may restore a previously-skipped channel to thescanning loop by selecting the channel manually, thenpressing the [B](SKIP) key momentarily so that the “dot”changes to become a “hyphen.”Memory Skip “OFF” Memory Skip “ON”SCANNING F EATURES