Page 54 FT-897D OPERATING MANUALAvailable Values DefaultON/OFF OFFON/OFF 1ON/OFF 1ENABLE/DISABLE DISABLE0 ~ 100 502.5/5/9/10/12.5/25kHz 1OFF/1h ~ 6h OFFOFF/RANGE/ALL RANGEON/OFF OFF– YAESU– –OFF/1 sec ~ 255 sec OFF440/880/1760 Hz 880 Hz0 ~ 100 50–300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz–300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz–300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz–300 ~ +300 Hz 0 Hz4800bps/9600bps/38400bps 4800bpsCAT/LINEAR/TUNER CATCLAR, M/V, MAIN CLARON/OFF OFFUSB/LSB/AUTO USBFULL/30 ~ 3000 msec 250 msecNORMAL/REVERSE NORMALELEKEY/MICKEY ELEKEY400 ~ 800 Hz 700 Hz10/15/20/25/30 ms 10 ms0 ~ 100 504 ~ 60 wpm (1wpm/step)/ 12 wpm20 ~ 300 cpm (5cpm/step) (60 cpm)N, A, AN N1:2.5 ~ 1:4.5 1:3.0104 Standard DCS codes 023Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tiv-Rn/Tiv-Riv Tn-RnFINE/COARSE FINE–3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 Hz0 ~ 100 50RTTY-L/RTTY-U/PSK31-L/ RTTY-LPSK31-U/USER-L/USER-U–3000 ~ +3000 Hz 0 HzFunctionEnables/Disables the extended Menu Mode.Activates/deactivates the Automatic Repeater Shift feature whenoperating on the 144 MHz band.Activates/deactivates the Automatic Repeater Shift feature whenoperating on the 430 MHz band.Enabling/disabling the DIAL knob on the AM and FM modes.Adjusts the microphone gain level for the AM mode.Selects the tuning steps for the MEM/VFO CH knob on the AM mode.Selects the Auto Power Off time (time before power goes off).Selects the ARTS beep mode.Enables/disables the CW identifier during ARTS operation.Stores your callsign into the CW identifier.Stores the message for the Beacon.Selects the interval time (between message and message).Selects the beep frequency.Selects the beep volume level.Sets the Rx Carrier Point for LSB.Sets the Tx Carrier Point for LSBSets the Rx Carrier Point for USBSets the Tx Carrier Point for USBSets the transceiver’s circuitry for the CAT baud rate to be used.Selects the device which is connected to the CAT/LINEAR jackon the rear panel.Defines the “control” knob to be used for setting of the clarifieroffset frequency.Selects whether the KEY jack shall be “Enabled” or “Disabled”while using the SSB/FM modes.Sets the CW carrier oscillator injection side on the CW mode.Sets the receiver recovery time during pseudo-VOX CW semi-break-in operation.Sets the keyer paddle’s wiring configuration.Enables/disables CW keying by the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN]keys.Setting of the pitch of the CW sidetone, BFO offset, and CW filtercenter frequencies.Selects the time delay between when the PTT is keyed and the car-rier is transmitted during QSK operation when using the internal keyer.Setting of the CW sidetone volume level.Sets the sending speed for the built-in Electronic keyer.Sends random Morse Code five-character groups via the sidetone.Sets the Dot:Dash ratio for the built-in electronic keyer.Setting of the DCS code.Selects “Normal” or “Inverted” DCS coding.Setting of the DIAL knob’s tuning speed.Defines the displayed frequency offset during DIG (USER-L orUSER-U) mode operation.Adjusts the audio input level from terminal equipment during DIG(Digital) mode operation.Selects the mode and sideband in the DIG (Digital) mode.Defines the carrier frequency offset during DIG (USER-L or USER-U) mode operation.No Menu Item001 EXT MENU002 144MHz ARS003 430MHz ARS004 AM&FM DIAL005 AM MIC GAIN006 AM STEP007 APO TIME008 ARTS BEEP009 ARTS ID010 ARTS IDW011 BEACON TEXT 1012 BEACON TIME013 BEEP TONE014 BEEP VOL015 CAR LSB R016 CAR LSB T017 CAR USB R018 CAR USB T019 CAT RATE020 CAT/LIN/TUN021 CLAR DIAL SEL022 CW AUTO MODE023 CW BFO024 CW DELAY025 CW KEY REV026 CW PADDLE027 CW PITCH028 CW QSK029 CW SIDE TONE030 CW SPEED031 CW TRAINING032 CW WEIGHT033 DCS CODE034 DCS INV035 DIAL STEP036 DIG DISP037 DIG GAIN038 DIG MODE039 DIG SHIFTThe Menu System allows you to customize a wide variety of transceiver performance aspects and operating characteristics.Once you have gone through the various Menu customization procedures initially, you will find that you will not have to resortto them frequently during everyday operation.MENU O PERATION1) In step 3 above, if you press the [HOME] keymomentarily, it will reset the setting of thatMenu Item to its factory-default value.2) In step 4 above, if you press the [C] key momentarily,you will exit to normal operation without saving the newsetting.3) In step 2 above, press the [A] key momentarily, The“hyphen” in the Menu channel number will change tobecome a “dot”; this shows that this Menu now is not in-cluded in the recall the Menu Item loop.MENU O PERATION1. Press and hold in the [F] key for one second. The MenuItem number and a title for the Menu Mode will appearin the display.2. Rotate the MEM/VFO CH knob to select the Menu Itemyou wish to work on.3. When you have chosen the desired Menu Item number,rotate the DIAL knob to change the value or conditionfor the Menu Item.4. When you have made your selection, press and hold inthe [F] key for one second to save the new setting andexit to the normal operation.