Hints and tips for automatic cooking1 Check the instructions for setting the automatic controls until you arefamiliar with the timer operation.2 If the oven has been used, allow it to cool completely before usingfor automatic cooking.3 You should leave food in the oven for as short a time as possiblebefore automatic cooking starts.4 Do not leave food to stand in the oven when it has finished cooking.You should remove it and if it is not going to be eaten at once, cool itquickly.5 If you cannot remove food from the oven as soon as it is cookedmake sure that the food is covered.6 Choose perishable foods carefully, especially during warm weather.7 Food should be fresh and preferably straight from the refrigerator.8 Joints of meat and poultry must be completely thawed.9 Dishes containing left over cooked meat or poultry should not becooked automatically if there is a delay period.10 Choose dishes which require approximately the same cooking time.Slight variations may be allowed by:-i) placing foods in larger or smaller containersii) using more or less liquidiii) cutting fruit or vegetables into larger or smaller pieces.This will give longer or shorter cooking times respectively. Furthertemperature adjustments can be made by placing the foods higheror lower in the oven as the top of the oven is hotter than the bottom.11 Arrange shelf positions to suit dishes and choose dishes which will fitinto the oven together.12 As food may be standing for some time in the oven, cover disheswith foil or a lid where possible, and in the case of roast potatoes andjoints of meat, brush with a little fat or oil. Lemon juice may be addedto fruit to prevent browning.13 Cream should be added just before serving.14 If alcohol is used fermentation can occur.15 Green leaf vegetables which take only a short time to cook, shouldnot be placed into the oven with the automatic meal. It is far better tocook them in a pan on the hotplate whilst dishing up the rest of themeal.Z C G 8 0 2 124The electronic timer