Configuring and Managing Access Rules for Network Users 3333 Type the userglob or MAC address glob that is allowed to access the SSID.■ For a user glob — Type a full or partial username to be matchedduring authentication (1 to 80 alphanumeric characters, with nospaces or tabs). The format of a user glob depends on the client typeand EAP method.For Windows domain clients using Protected EAP (PEAP), the user globis in the format Windows_domain_name\username. The Windowsdomain name is the NetBIOS domain name and must be specified incapital letters. For example, EXAMPLE\sydney, or EXAMPLE\*.*, whichspecifies all usernames whose usernames contain periods.For EAP with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) clients, the format isusername@domain_name. For example, sydney@example.comspecifies the user sydney in the domain name The* glob specifies all users in the marketingdepartment at The user specifies the user sydney in theengineering department at■ For a MAC address glob — In the User Glob box, type a full orpartial username to be matched during authentication.MAC addresses must be specified with colons as the delimiters (forexample, 00:11:22:33:44:55). You can use wildcards by specifying an