Using the RF Monitor Window 4473WXM Service Setup window. (See “Changing Monitoring Settings” onpage 552.)Table 47 lists the information displayed in the top section of the RFMonitor window.Displaying RFNeighborhoodInformationIn the RF Monitor window, select the RF Neighborhood tab at the bottomof the window.The RF Neighborhood tab lists the transmitters that can hear or are heardby the radio selected in the top section of the window. You can select theviewpoint of the list:■ To list the other transmitters that the selected radio can hear, selectTransmitters.■ To list the other transmitters that can hear the selected radio, selectListeners.Information is displayed for a radio if the radio sends beacon frames orresponds to probe requests. Even if a radio’s SSIDs are unadvertised,3Com radios detect the empty beacon frames (beacon frames withoutSSIDs) sent by the radio, and include the radio in the neighbor list.Table 48 lists the information displayed on the tab.Table 47 RF Monitor ColumnsColumn DescriptionRadio WX switch name, MAP access point name, and radionumberType Radio type: 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11gChannel Channel number on which the radio is operatingTx Power Power level at which the radio is transmittingMAC Base MAC address of the radio