8 MANAGING WX S YSTEM IMAGESAND CONFIGURATIONSThis chapter describes the management of WX system files. It includesinformation about uploading a WX switch configuration into 3WXM,verifying configuration information, synchronizing local and networkchanges, deploying WX switches from a network plan to the network,distributing image and configuration files, importing and exporting WXswitch configuration files, working with domain policies, and rebootingWX switches or MAP access points.Managing WXSystem Files3WXM provides many options for managing WX system image files andconfiguration files. Table 25 lists the options and the sections in thischapter where the options are described.Table 25 WX File Management Options in 3WXMOption DescriptionUpload configuration Creates a new WX switch in a network plan, by copyingthe configuration file from the live WX switch in thenetwork.(See “Uploading a WX Switch Configuration into 3WXM”on page 370.)Export configuration Saves the configuration of a WX switch in the networkplan into a file. You can save the configuration in CLIformat or XML format.(See “Importing and Exporting WX switch ConfigurationFiles” on page 396.)Import configuration Creates a new WX switch in a network plan, by copying aWX switch configuration file stored on a server.(See “Importing and Exporting WX switch ConfigurationFiles” on page 396.)