352 CHAPTER 7: C ONFIGURING AUTHENTICATION , AUTHORIZATION , AND ACCOUNTING PARAMETERS■ 1 (minimum monetary cost) — Packets with minimum monetarycost TOS defined are filtered.■ 2 (maximum reliability) — Packets with maximum reliability TOSdefined are filtered.■ 4 (maximum throughput) — Packets with maximum throughputTOS defined are filtered.■ 8 (minimum delay) — Packets with minimum delay TOS defined arefiltered.By default, the TOS value is -1 (any).In addition to these specific values, you can specify a number from 1 to15 that is the sum of TOS option values. For example, to select minimumdelay and maximum throughput as the TOS options, type 12, which is thesum of the two values.9 In the Precedence list, select one of the following:■ Any (-1) — All packets are subject to the ACL regardless of whetherprecedence is set.■ Routine (0) — Packets with routine precedence are filtered.■ Priority (1) — Packets with priority precedence are filtered.■ Immediate (2) — Packets with immediate precedence are filtered.■ Flash (3) — Packets with flash precedence are filtered.■ Flash Override (4) — Packets with flash override precedence arefiltered.■ CRITIC/ECP (5) — Packets with critical precedence are filtered.■ Internetwork Control (6) — Packets with internetwork controlprecedence are filtered.■ Network Control (7) — Packets with network control precedenceare filtered.10 To close the Create IP ACE dialog box and save the changes, click Finish.Creating a TCP or UDP ACETo create a TCP or UDP ACE:1 In the ACL Setup page of the Create ACL wizard, click New. A list ofACEs appears.2 Select the ACE you want to create.