478 CHAPTER 11: DETECTING AND COMBATTING ROGUE DEVICESLocation TabThe location tab displays the likely physical location of the rogue. (See“Displaying a Rogue’s Geographical Location”.)Displaying aRogue’sGeographicalLocationIf building and floor information for the site is modeled in the networkplan, you can display the likely physical location of a rogue. 3WXMdisplays the floor plan for the floor where the rogue is believed to belocated, and displays the areas where the rogue is probably located.This option displays the likely location of the rogue when the data wascollected by the monitoring service from the Mobility Domain’s seed WXswitch. If the rogue has moved since then, the location information willnot be current.To display the location of a rogue within a site1 Select the rogue in the rogue list.2 Click on the toolbar. The Location tab appears, next to the detailstab.The likely location of the rogue is indicated by color. The legend beneaththe floor view indicates the likelihood represented by each color.Table 55 Rogue Listener Details ColumnsColumn DescriptionMAP MAP whose radio detected the rogue or noted its absence.This column has data only if the radio that detected therogue or its disappearance is modeled in a floor plan.Floor Floor on which the rogue was detected or disappeared, ifthe network plan contains floor information.Note — This column has data only if the radio thatdetected the rogue or its disappearance is modeled in afloor plan.Channel Channel on which the rogue was detected or disappeared.RSSI Strength of the signal received by the listener from therogue.SSID SSID of the rogue.