522 APPENDIX C: 3WXM V ERIFICATION R ULESTable 70 IP Services RulesTitle Description ClassificationDefault route check Verifies that a maximum of four staticroutes are configured per destination. (Thisincludes default routes, which have adestination of servers check Verifies that no more than three NTPservers are configured on a WX switch.ErrorTable 71 Last-Resort Network Access RulesTitle Description ClassificationAccess rule disabledcheckVerifies whether the access rule is enabledin 3WXM. The rule does not take effectand is not deployed to WX switches in thenetwork unless the rule is enabled in3WXM.WarningAccounting servergroup check fornetwork usersVerifies that no more than four servergroups are specified for the accountingmethods.ErrorAuthentication servergroup checkVerifies that no more than four servergroups are specified for the authenticationmethods.ErrorAuthentication servergroup exist checkVerifies that at least one server group isspecified as an authentication method, ifLOCAL is not specified as an authenticationmethod.ErrorLocal user databasecheckVerifies that at least one user is configuredin the local database, if LOCAL is specifiedas an authentication method.WarningMissing service profilecheckVerifies that the SSID in the access rule isassigned to a service profile.Error