46 CHAPTER 2: WORKING WITH THE 3WXM USER INTERFACEmonitored information for an object, right-click on the object in theOrganizer panel and select Monitor or Monitor in new Window.Mobility DomainObjectsThe Mobility Domains section of the Organizer panel containsconfiguration objects for 3Com equipment. At the top level of thehierarchy, the information is organized into Mobility Domains. A MobilityDomain is a system of WX switches and MAP access points workingtogether to support roaming wireless users (clients). A Mobility Domainallows users to seamlessly roam from one WX switch to another withinthe network.3WXM contains a default Mobility Domain that you can copy or modify.You also can create new Mobility Domains. A Mobility Domain containsthe following types of objects:In this example, the network plan contains the default Mobility Domain(Default). All Mobility Domains contain domain policies, used for globalconfiguration of WX switch parameters, and rogue detection, which cancontain a list of known devices to exclude from countermeasures againstrogue access points.Domain Policies — Configuration parameters that can beglobally edited and deployed to all WX switches in theMobility Domain.WX switches — Configuration parameters for a specificWX switch.Rogue Detection — Configuration parameters for roguedetection and countermeasures.