356 CHAPTER 7: C ONFIGURING AUTHENTICATION , AUTHORIZATION , AND ACCOUNTING PARAMETERS3 To enable counting of packets filtered by an ACL, select Enable HitCount.4 Define the IP attributes (source and destination IP addresses, the TOS, andthe precedence). The steps are the same as the steps when configuringan IP ACE. See step 6 on page 351 through step 9 on page 352.5 In the Type box, specify the ICMP type used to filter ICMP packets.The value range for ICMP types is -1 to 255. The default value is -1, whichindicates that all ICMP packets are subject to the ACE regardless of ICMPtype.Table 23 lists some common ICMP types. For a complete list of ICMPtypes, see www.iana.org/assignments/icmp-parameters.6 If the ICMP type you specified in step 5 has codes available, type the codein the Code box.7 Click Finish.Table 23 ICMP Messages and CodesICMP Message (Type Number) Code (Number)Echo Reply (0) NoneDestination Unreachable (3) ■ Network Unreachable (0)■ Host Unreachable (1)■ Protocol Unreachable (2)■ Port Unreachable (3)■ Fragmentation Needed (4)■ Source Route Failed (5)Source Quench (4) NoneRedirect (5) ■ Network Redirect (0)■ Host Redirect (1)■ TOS and Network Redirect (2)■ TOS and Host Redirect (3)Echo (8) NoneTime Exceeded (11) ■ TTL Exceeded (0)■ Fragment Reassembly Time Exceeded(1)Parameter Problem (12) NoneTimestamp (13) NoneTimestamp Reply (14) None