520 APPENDIX C: 3WXM V ERIFICATION R ULESTable 64 Console Access RulesTitle Description ClassificationAccess rule disabledcheckVerifies whether the access rule is enabledin 3WXM. The rule does not take effectand is not deployed to WX switches in thenetwork unless the rule is enabled in3WXM.WarningAccounting servergroup checkVerifies that no more than four servergroups are specified for the accountingmethods.ErrorAuthentication servergroup checkVerifies that no more than four servergroups are specified for the authenticationmethods.ErrorLocal user databasecheckVerifies that at least one user is configuredin the local database, if LOCAL is specifiedas an authentication method.WarningTable 65 Coverage Area RulesTitle Description Classification802.11g coverage areaexclude 802.11b checkVerifies that the 802.11g-only mode ormixed 802.11b/g mode setting is the samefor the 802.11g coverage area and itsassociated radio profile.WarningTechnology validitycheckVerifies that the technology chosen for thecoverage area is supported by the countrycode specified.WarningTable 66 DNS RulesTitle Description ClassificationDNS primary check Verifies that only one of the DNS servers isdesignated as the primary server.ErrorTable 67 Distributed MAP RulesTitle Description ClassificationAP regulatory domaincheckVerifies that the selected AP model is validfor the country code (regulatory domain).ErrorMaximum DistributedMAP number checkVerifies that a Distributed MAP ID is withinthe supported range for the WX switchmodel.Error