NetWareUNIX WindowsOS/2MacintoshAXIS 1620 User’s Manual Section 9: Management & Configuration 117Grouping logicallyconnectedPrint Servers togetherAXIS NetPilot allows you to create logical groups of print servers inorder to simplify administration. Installed print servers are displayedin the ‘Network Print Servers’ folder and shortcuts to these printservers can be added to the print server groups. Managementoperations performed on the shortcuts affect the functionality of theprint servers.Creating aPrint Server GroupFollow the instructions below to create a print server group:1. Select the ‘AXIS Units’ folder.2. Click on the New Group button on the toolbar or select NewPrint Server Group from the File menu.3. Type a print server group name in the text field and click OK.You can create as many print server groups as you want, but youcannot include a print server in more than one group.Adding aPrint Server toa Print Server GroupFollow the instructions below to add a print server to a print servergroup:1. Select the print server group folder, located in the ‘AXIS Units’folder.2. Click on the Add PS button on the toolbar or select Add PrintServer from the File menu.3. The Add Network Print Server window appears. Select the printserver and click OK.ExaminingPrint ServersFollow the instructions below to monitor the print servers:1. Select the print server group folder, located in the ‘AXIS Units’folder.2. Select the print server.