NetWareUNIX WindowsOS/2MacintoshAppendix D: Glossary AXIS 1620 User’s Manual158DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DHCP is available inWindows NT, NetWare 5 and UNIX systems, and allows for theautomatic but temporary assignment of IP addresses from a centralpool. DHCP causes the selected host to automatically allocate anddownload an unused IP address to the requesting print server. It alsoprovides validation data that defines how long the IP addresses willremain valid.To fully benefit from this method, the AXIS 1620 also supports theWINS host name resolution protocol, which is available in WindowsNT networks.DNS Domain Name Service. Reflects the server names and addresses withina network.Flash Memory The print server software is stored in Flash Memory. The Flash Memoryis a Non-volatile RAM that retains data contents even after power isremoved. As the memory allows its data to be erased and re-written,you can install software updates for your server as soon as they becomeavailable, without having to replace any parts. The new software is simplyloaded into the server over the network.Flash Memory also contains a Safe Flash mechanism which eliminatesthe risk of corrupting the Flash Memories if a firmware upgrade fails.FTP File Transfer Protocol. A TCP/IP protocol used for logging in tonetwork servers and for transferring files.HTML Hypertext Markup Language. A standard hypertext language used forcreating World Wide Web pages and other hypertext documents.HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The TCP/IP protocol for Web basedcommunication.IP Internet Protocol. The TCP/IP session-layer protocol that regulatespacket forwarding by tracking IP addresses, routing outgoing messagesand recognizing incoming messages.LED Light Emitting Diode.