NetWareUNIX WindowsOS/2MacintoshAXIS 1620 User’s Manual Section 11: Upgrading the Software 141Upgrading over theNetwork using FTPTo upgrade over the network using FTP you will need the file with thenew print server software. The name of this file is in the formproduct_version.bin, e.g. 1620_600.bin for software release 6.00.You can use any of the previously mentioned methods to obtain thenew file.You must assign the AXIS 1620 with an IP address, as described inAssigning an IP address, on page 26, before you can use this upgradingmethod.Follow the procedures below to upgrade your AXIS 1620:1. Log in to the AXIS 1620 with the command:ftp , or ftp 2. You will be prompted for user id and password. Use the user idroot, which has the default password pass.3. Type the command binary to change to binary transfer mode.4. Type the command put flash, where is the name of the new print server software,e.g. 1620_600.bin5. Wait for the Flash loading operation to finish. This normallytakes 1 to 4 minutes. The unit automatically restarts with the newprint server software.6. Log out using the command quit, bye or exit depending onyour FTP version.Note: ❏ If the upgrading process fails, just repeat the instructionspresented above.❏ If you lose contact with the AXIS 1620 after an upgrading failure,just restart the AXIS 1620 to restore contact.❏ Should the network diode flash at half second intervals, the AXIS1620 cannot process any print jobs. In order to leave this state,you must repeat the instructions presented above.